My Walking Journey
December 25, 2022

Hello everyone. I’m still doing my walking three times a week as much as I can since it rains a lot here. Hearing and seeing a lot of complaints on my next-door website about how dirty the streets are with trash, I decided to pick up this myself. Of course, using gloves and a stick with a pointed end I made myself pick the items up. I ventured out to start my clean-up which I decided would be once a week.

The first time I picked up wrappers and drink cartons from McDonald’s and Taco Time. Also noted small alcohol bottles and a large carton of Chardonnay. Drinking and driving are not Ok in my book.

My next-door website also mentioned dog waste alongside the street next to people’s homes as well as near the school. I picked this up as well since I didn’t want to step in it and bring it home. So unsanitary. The website just blew up with comments about this. I don’t know if this will stop but it’s good to put it out there.