Tools to Help You Buy or Sell Art: Resources You Can Use to Buy or Sell Art
January 19, 2023

Art is a form of expression. It is created to give joy to the beholder and stimulate emotions. With the possibility for change in perception with each viewing, it is often difficult to define what art is, mainly because it encompasses an array of different subjects and materials. As an artist or a collector, some essential tools and resources for individuals in the art world are worth looking into. Here are some resources you can use:

Art Auction Houses

Auction houses are the most common place for art to be bought or sold. Auction houses have experts in each type of art, and they can tell you what something may be worth. You can also find out if any experts specialize in your kind of art. If you’re unsure if an item is genuine or not, an expert can also help answer that question. These companies exist to handle the sale of art and other collectibles. They are usually familiar with the latest trends in the market and will give you an idea of what items are worth.

Auction houses offer insurance on items they sell, which means that if something goes wrong with your purchase, they will arrange to have the item repaired or replaced.

Art Galleries and Museums

A reputable art gallery is one of the best places to start if you want to buy or sell art. Art galleries are businesses that specialize in buying and selling original artworks by artists worldwide. Some are small, local businesses with only a few artists represented, while others have hundreds of artists and collectors on their books.

Most galleries don’t sell anything themselves; they act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers. If you’re interested in buying or selling art through a gallery, it’s essential to determine whether they act as an agent or an artist’s representative. In most cases, you’ll need to contact the artist directly if you want to make a purchase.

Online Art-Selling Websites

Art-selling websites can be cost-effective for artists with limited budgets or who don’t want to spend money shipping their work to sell their art.

Online art-selling websites allow you to upload photos of your artwork and describe it. The website then posts the item on their site.

The website charges a commission fee on each sale, ranging from 10% to 30%. If someone buys your artwork, you receive payment via your preferred means.

Art Fairs and Exhibitions

Art fairs are an excellent way to see what kinds of art are available and popular. They also offer opportunities for artists to sell their work directly to collectors if they have the right contacts. Some fairs require an application fee, while others do not. Most fairs allow artists to bring multiple pieces of work to display at the event; however, some will only allow one piece per artist.


When you want to purchase or sell art, your first and most important decision is how to buy or sell the piece. Many resources are available when looking to learn how best to invest in art. Since collecting art can be one of the most potent assets any individual can have, it’s essential to have your strategies down.