

  It began 2000 years ago with Jesus Christ who was tortured and died on the cross for our sins. This was the way the people voted to kill him. They even let a convicted murderer free. If you are religious, this is what we believe. Easter is celebrated by all...
A New Day!

A New Day!

A new day to experience, wake up refreshed and get yourself motivated. Waking up sometimes with the dogs coming right up to my face and barking. They will sit up and wait at the edge of the bed until I get up. Ok, Ok I say, “I’m getting up”. The dogs...
How I Manage Stress

How I Manage Stress

The world can be a stressful place and small gestures of kindness can really go a long way. Some ideas I came up with are music like classical, soft jazz, and easy listening. Go to a quiet place, sit quietly, and turn the music on resting on a lounge chair by the...